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Oprah and My Way Sally

Destiny Rogers

The children’s book, “My Way Sally” relates to women in leadership. There were multiple examples of women in leadership throughout the book that remind me of many strong, women leaders today. On example that stood out to me was when Sally ran into a baby fox and they were playing around and the mother saw what was going on and her first instinct was to protect her kid, but to also protect herself in case there was more danger that she was not aware of. The mother fox eventually called for her son and they were leaving. The mother fox realized that Sally was left alone, and her leadership instincts kicked in to help her and lead her back to her house.

This certain part of the book reminded me of the Oprah Winfrey video we watched about the power of women and when she talked about the project she did where she gave a lot of kids Christmas presents, clothes, food, etc. In the video she says, “They may not remember the toy, they may not remember the clothes although they were most excited to open boxes containing clothes because having new clothes made them not feel poor…. They may not remember what they got in the box, but they will remember that someone remembered them.” Although this is a children’s book, the mother fox showed kindness. In a way it said to me that Sally may not remember the fox helping her home and not just leaving her there, but she will remember that foxes are not bad and shouldn’t be chased for amusement. This relates directly to the impact that women in leadership have on their community.

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