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Ambition Your Way

Julia Galli

The children’s book My Way Sally tells the tale of Sally, a puppy being raised to hunt, who forms an unexpected friendship with a fox. Through this bond she finds the strength to defy the expectations and limitations placed upon her in order to lead in a unique and meaningful way. On the surface this may seem like the typical feel-good children’s story, but Sally and her struggle represent so much more than any bedtime story can encapsulate.

One element of My Way Sally that truly embodies the concept of the perceived incompetence of women, is the portion of the book where one of the characters refers to Sally as “wrong-way Sally.” It is not that Sally was actually going the wrong way or doing something incorrectly, rather she was simply more adventurous and did not fit perfectly into the mold that was cast for her.

When discussed in terms of a fictional puppy leading a pack of hounds, this may seem somewhat ridiculous, but when applied to reality the idea is much more concerning. Women are often disregarded as overly ambitious or unreliable simply for expressing ideas that are progressive and pioneering. This is a topic that was heavily discussed in the article titled, “Women and the Vision Thing,” by Herminia Ibarra and Otilia Obodaru. This piece speaks to the fact that women are “hesitant to go out on a limb” in fear that they will be viewed as crazy or unhinged. Often, it is more logical for women to settle for a plateaued career than to risk losing the stable job they have in hopes of advancement or promotion. Women are so scared of being labeled a “wrong-way Sally” that they neglect their own potential and limit their own creativity.

Although there are many lessons to be learned from Sally, one of the most important is that we should take risks, regardless of any backlash we might receive. Sally persevered through the comments made about her and the judgement sent in her direction, eventually changing people’s perception of her from “wrong-way Sally” into being seen as a natural leader. This story displays the significance of ambition and taking chances. There truly is no such thing as being overly ambitious. This term is simply a cage used to suppress drive and vision, and it is time to reclaim ambition in a positive light.

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