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"Not 'Just' a Stay-at-home Mom"

Updated: Dec 13, 2021

Charisse Strawberry-Fuller spoke about being a leader in the home. These are our responses to her lecture.

“She had to navigate being called “just a stay-at-home mom” and feeling like her role wasn’t as meaningful as others. Her insights redefine what we consider leadership and allowed us as a class to see how she is a leader in her home.” - Kylee Seaver

"Her talk parallels key points raised in some of the articles and books we have read so far in the respect that stay-at-home mothers have the best interests of their children in mind and will go to great lengths to help them grow, develop, and succeed in life, allowing them to be greatly influential leaders of their families. I overall gained a new respect for all mothers and called my mom after class to thank her for everything that she continues to do for me." Paige Deno

"Charisse discussed the difficulty of maintaining her own identity throughout motherhood, handling hardship in private for the sake of her children, feeling invisible despite heading her household, and so much more. These are real issues that the vast majority of stay-at-home moms can relate to but do not feel comfortable expressing in fear that they will be invalidated in their parenting abilities or not taken seriously. Made evident through various pieces we have read this semester, mothers are fighting a lose-lose battle. If they stay-at-home they are made to feel less worthy and less respectable than their partners, yet if they choose to embark down a career path they are made to feel that they are not providing their children with enough motherly love. It is clear that a change needs to be made." Julia Galli

“Needless to day, mothers in all forms deserve to have their hard work running the home be recognized by their families and spouses. Their workplaces should allow them time to tend to these immense tasks.” - Sarah Arcella

“Charisse is a great example of how you can be a very successful full-time parent to multiple children. We have read a lot of articles about how women have had to give up a career in order to take care of their families, but Charisse really spoke to the issue of gender today by defying those odds and raising very successful and strong children. ” -Samantha Lawless

“Charisse Strawberry-Fuller's lecture was overall very empowering and inspiring. I loved hearing about her schedules throughout the weeks in her life from traveling with her children to keeping the house tidy and making sure everything is running smoothly.” -Ciara Aleman

Talking to Charisse Strawberry-Fuller was such an impactful moment for me. Not only did she show what it is like to be a fulltime mother, but she also showed us how to be successful as a career woman while doing so. - Elisabeth Schumm

“I feel that Charisse Strawberry-Fuller’s lecture was very inspiring. She does what most women don’t think they can do which is being there full time for her children AND having her successful career. She proves that even the “impossible” is most definitely possible for mothers.”-Leen Shlomo

"Mrs. Strawberry-Fuller said at the end that she raised ballers and leaders. This enhanced

my idea of a stay-at-home mom to be much more than the title entails. Mother’s birth and raise

leaders, giving them the time and attention needed for success. Whether a mom decides to be stay-at-home or goes straight back into the workforce, I believe that there is no one recipe for raising a leader. Mrs. Strawberry-Fuller is proof of that. She combined 2 families and it

continued to work for her and the children. That’s amazing.” – Aleisha Mowatt

“Charisse did an amazing job exhibiting to all of us that it is possible to be a successful full-time parent, while also excelling in the workforce. I especially like how well organized and planned out her days were, and how she emphasized the importance of planning and a well ordered routine!” - Suzan Guidroz

“After talking to Charisse Strawberry-Fuller, it made me understand how much sacrifices and hard choices mothers make for their children. They work so hard to make sure their kids have everything they need, anything and anywhere. Being a mother is definitely a full time job.”

- Nya Hernandez


Charisse Strawberry-Fuller was President of The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence - Tampa, America's leading advocate for families and friends of those suffering from alcoholism and other drug addictions. She is mother to 5 children and is married to Corey Fuller.

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