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Don't Wait! Make Your Opportunities

Updated: Dec 13, 2021

These are our thoughts and takeaways from the discussion with Elizabeth Ricci.

“Much of what Attorney Ricci discussed really resonated with me in regard to taking opportunities and making them for myself. My entire life my mom has pushed me to reach for opportunities through the logic that ‘the answer is always going to be no if you don’t ask.’ Both Elizabeth and my mom emphasize the importance of not shying away from your own potential and making your voice heard.” -Julia Galli

​​“Attorney Ricci mentioned how it was very difficult to find maternity clothing for women in the workforce. This is something I have rarely thought of yet is a very powerful point. The lack of access to professional clothing for women who are pregnant is something that not only discourages women but does not allow them to reach their full potential.” - Samantha Lawless

“I personally liked hearing from Mrs. Ricci and her carefree attitude in the workplace. Although it is a different approach, it is one that works and should be considered more often. At the end of the day, she is unapologetically herself, and gets her work done with the confidence every woman should have.” -Ciara Aleman

“I really appreciated how cut and dry she was, and I respected how she just did what needed to be done and left no space for second guessing herself. I liked her reasoning for never saying sorry while having to fire an employee. We as women must put periods at the end of our sentences. Being firm in our decisions as women is a learning curve, and she was a great example of how opportunities can arise from beating that curve.” - Sarah Arcella

“Attorney Ricci reminded us that as females we don’t have to apologize or soften our words when having tough conversations. We need to have the courage to end our sentences with a period and have confidence in the choices we make.” - Kylee Seaver

“Mrs. Ricci was personally my favorite speaker. I appreciated how blunt she was. She really reminded me that I should always stick by my decisions and be confident. In the workforce, it’s often difficult for us women to feel confident with our decisions. Mrs.Ricci is a great example of how we should never second-guess ourselves.” - Leen Shlomo

“Attorney Ricci showed me that being blunt is not a bad thing. She showed me that it is okay to be harsh when having conversations because sometimes that’s how we have to be with certain things. Women are often not confident and sometimes being blunt gives us that confidence.”

- Nya Hernandez


Elizabeth Ricci is an award-winning immigration attorney who has been practicing for over 20 years. She practices law with her husband and their practice focuses on complex immigration, immigration litigation, and administrative immigration issues. Before she attended law school she was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Guatemala. Ms. Ricci has made several appearances as an immigration law expert on CNN, Univision, Fox and Friends, and in the New York Times. MSNBC and BBC News have referred to her as “an immigration law expert.” She was also named by the Philadelphia Enquirer as the “Go-to lawyer for veterans.”

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