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My Way Sally Analytical Reaction

Article Written By Paige Deno

I found "My Way Sally" to be one of the best children's books for women empowerment out there and I will definitely be having my children read it. My favorite part in the story was when the Corgis were explaining what it means to be a female leader, or rather, a Queen. Their definition of being a leader reflected what Mrs. Strawberry-Fuller taught us during our lesson about stay-at-home moms. This children's book explains a leader to be "someone who makes the important decisions." Mrs. Strawberry-Fuller also talked about being a mother and in charge of her and her kids' daily lives was a powerful leadership position. There was one specific part of the story that made me sad when George said he wanted Sally to be adventurous, but not too adventurous in order to become the leader of the pack. That reminded me of a past reading that we had that talked about how women feel shunned and that they are too scared to take risks career-wise because they have been constantly told by society that they can't be too risky in order to be a strong leader. In the last article we read, "Women and the Vision Thing", a quote that really stuck out to me was, "It’s often observed that the very talents that bring managers success in midlevel roles can be obstacles to their taking on bigger leadership roles." I feel this quote speaks out because women are conditioned to be almost machine-like and this can be the cause of their downfalls when it comes to taking risks and advancing their careers. Overall, this children's book had a lot of impact on me and will definitely have a large impact on the women leaders of the future through its use of symbols, empowerment, and solutions to the hardships that are created to strengthen the societal biases against women.

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